
2023Python Kivy

A beautiful GUI application for Windows designed to aid in your digital wellbeing by giving reminders to rest your eyes, drink some water and do some body movement at regular intervals. A successor to Healthy Programmer, this was my project for Computer Science practical exam of Class XII.

Fun fact: Wellbeing stands for We'll be interrupting for your good.



  • Kivy App Developer
    • Designed and implemented the core functionality of the application using Python and Kivy.
    • Developed the user interface with Kivy's layout management and widget system.
    • Integrated application logic with UI components to ensure seamless user interactions.


I learned:

  • to use Kivy's DictStore and store data for efficient retrieval and updation.
  • about wxPython GUI toolkit and to use it as tray icon for the Kivy application.
  • to integrate notification system within the application.
  • to make reusable custom widgets using Kivy's vast widget APIs.
  • about single instance python applications and their use cases.


Home screen of Wellbeing gives an overview of reminders and a unique quote each time it is opened.

Various reminder time interval options are provided by Wellbeing to suit the needs of users.

Three skips per day for reminders are provided to the user.

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